Officetan is not the place for politics...it's a place where a very few people gather to read my musings on a random selection of topics and if I didn't worry that my professional reputation would be compromised I'd talk a helluva lot more shiz than I already do... I do have a question though...and it truly isn't rhetorical:
How come many of the people that are upset that the government is going to require Americans to purchase health insurance (if not available through their employers) are the same people that want the government to rule that gay folk shouldn't be allowed to marry (aka bore themselves to death like the rest of us)? If the concern is Govt getting too big...don't cha think these two issues have conflicting ideologies in terms of the government's role? Plus let's consider some things (for fun really, not saying I'm for being mandated to do anything) that government already makes us do for our own "well being:"
Seat belts (besides New Hampshire, obvi): Hello!? Rumple a good outfit much? Plus anyone knows that if you sit bi*ch it's nearly impossible to find your seat belt without groping your seat neighbor. If we want to fly threw a windshield, let that be OUR choice. Thankyouverymuch.
Jay-Walking: This law raises several conflicts...especially for those in urban and rural areas. First, if you're in an urban area, you have to jay walk. It's just what people do...the pedestrian flow of traffic will always be too dense and/or too slow for a large subset of humans (especially near the Port Authority or Grand Central...people like to rush to return to Jersey or Conneticut). In rural areas the problem is quite different...there may not be a clear line of demarcation between the road and the sidewalk, there may be no sidewalk at all, or the sidewalk may be filled with wandering bovines...really at any given time a rural dwelling human may need to take it to the street for one reason or another.
Public Intoxication: You're not supposed to drive your car but you're not supposed to traipse around drunk either? Well how the eff are you supposed to get home from the damn party?!
Prostitution (Except for Nevada- not including Clark County though which is where Vegas is ya know): This is kind of a nosy law too. Hooking is apparently a fairly efficient way for "unskilled" individuals to make money and it is in incredibly high demand. Sometimes people (mostly males) need a snuggle and don't have time for dinner and movie...like it or not. Because love and banging aren't supposed to be mutually exclusive we're all supposed act really horrified about the prospect of paying for nook. Not to mention that this service conflicts with our "iron clad" family values. One could say maybe it's because of the potential health hazards...but there are health risks associated with getting manicures too...just sayin.
Marijuana: people seem to like it and it doesn't seem to make people shoot one another...wouldn't this be a nice way to generate some extra tax revenue? Perhaps the concern lies in the extreme that it makes some people useless but the reality is the world could use another hall monitor.
(Please understand this is for fun...I am not advocating that we not wear our seat belts, get hammered and high and find ourselves a hooker)
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