Since Valentines Day is approaching I thought we could explore some topics pertaining to love and relations, besides our porn posts. This post was inspired by a normally unwelcomed pop-up that caught my eye. It was an ad for some kind of synthetic pheromone product that boasts, "It Really Works!" I would hope that if you have escalated your "I-can't-get-ass" troubleshooting to pheromone therapy that you've exhausted all other dating resources such as:
Personal ads
Blind dates
Double-blind dates (this is when you're meeting someone that your friend found for you through another friend, in which case you're friend doesn't know either if this person is icky)
Find love sites like match & e-harmony
Find sex sites, masquerading as "networking" or "friends" sites such as Myspace and Craigslist
Dating someone you know you're not attracted to in hopes that maybe you'll change your mind
Getting a sense of someone's workout schedule and conveniently start working out the same body parts, at the same time as your crush...this one is so foolish, I've seen it. A classic is when someone goes from something like quads to triceps and then conveniently on to the kickboxing class that they you're joining
Dippin' into the co-worker pool
Meeting someone entirely disastrous "on paper" at a club and trying to get them to hang out with you during daylight hours without drugs or alcohol
Joining various hobby workshops in hopes that maybe some hot people also decided to take up pottery or cooking
Digging up an ex in hopes that "maybe things will be different"
Dating someone who's birth year started with the following numbers: 195, 196 when yours is 198 something
and finally...
Letting your parents set you up
Perhaps at this point you can justify resorting to such a ridiculous concept. I feel a need to highlight that if one truly believes that maybe all these methods failed because everyone just didn't dig their scent don't you think that maybe this person is just really lame? In which case, SHAME! Shame on the fake-pheromone makers for praying on the lame, I'm disgusted!
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