Hello to probably like one reader (or none) that has hung on with hope that someday, yes someday the folks at officetan would return. We haven't been really that busy to be honest we just sorta forgot about the blog. I am now focusing my comedic efforts on stand-up. I want you to come watch me, heckle me, throw fruits at me that people think are vegetables. Tomotoes people...tomatoes. I will always wear black just in case. Come to think of though, they really should just be vegetables. They have a much lower glycemic index than other fruits and they're not sweet. Can you imagine if you got a fruit platter delivered and it had pineapples, grapes, sliced melon, strawberries and tomatoes? That would never happen. But guess what? I have seen tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, ironically hanging out with the other crudites...yeah. How 'bout that Just like y should be a consonant or a vowel. Not this a,e,i,o,u, and sometimes Y. WTF is that? Like, me, Sally, Jerry, Kerry, and John are all non smokers and sometimes Ned. No...you smokers that say you're non smokers because you only smoke when you drink...that leads to another question now doesn't it...how often do we drink Ned? Three times a week...that sounds like you're pretty much a smoker. Or people that don't buy their own cigarettes consider themselves not smokers...well that's excellent so now you're a mooch and a smoker.