Soooo a luminary in both life and friend Casie documents her digital history. HILARIOUS. If you would like to continue to be amused please follow her on Twitter & Tumblr @kcavery
December 2003: I join MySpace to pass the time in between classes & boozing at Fordham University.
I teach myself basic HTML to pimp my profile out. Instead of a list of my favorite musicians and bands, I have animated gifs of Britney Spears giving the finger. My top friends are Tom, Tila Tequila, and 3 creeps I don’t know in real life.
Summer 2004: Facebook is rolled out to only Ivy League Schools. I am cross over being left out of this social geek-out, but bolstered by the fact that when it comes to my school, I’ll be ready.
October 2004: Facebook comes to Fordham University, in the BRONX!
I upload my first profile picture: me posing in my Halloween costume (the Britney Spears bride outfit).
I am poked 27 times in two days.
May 2005: I graduate from Fordham University and head out in to the real world. Facebook allows me to stalk the younger, skinnier girls still in college, still boozing, and now posting photos! of themselves and tagging every waking moment of college.
January 2007: I begin using Facebook as the only storage medium for pictures. My (now-ex) Wall St. boyfriend exclaims: ‘You know that sh*t freaks me out!’
Sorry dude, #WallStIsOver
Summer 2007: I’m employed by a company doing consulting work for MySpace. Free trips to LA & back every week! Thank you Custom Communities!
September 2008: I’m still employed by a company doing consulting work for MySpaceUK. Free trips to London & back! Thank you British folks still on MySpace! And yes, you looked better on MySpace.
January 2009: I join Twitter. When repeatedly asked why & what, I respond that “I have to bc of my job” and it’s for “personal & professional branding”
July 2009: I head down to New Orleans with a group of Fordham Alumni to work with the Archdiocese of New Orleans’ organization, ‘Operation Helping Hands.’ We paint, texture, spackle, sand, and saw. I live-tweet the trip, to the astonishment of priests, brothers, sisters, and just folks in general. I introduce 12 new friends to Twitter, and a whole lot more to the work being done to rebuild New Orleans
November 2009: I’m still employed by a company doing consulting work for MySpace Australia. Free amazing trip to Australia and back! I TwitVid this video of a wallaby in Sydney and folks are definitely impressed with me.
January 2010: I join foursquare. I check-in and find myself peering into the empty venue space whispering ‘Is anyone out there?’ #therewillbecheckins
February 2010: I lose over 25 Twitter followers because of my emo Olympic figure skating tweets. Not really my problem that @EvanLysacek is cooler than you.
June 2010: Single & sullen on my birthday, I’m taken to dinner by @Rangersgal. Outside Mr. Chow in Tribeca, I spy my favorite hockey player and my Twitter namesake Sean Avery – formerly at @SeanAveryDotCom.
I tweet him and yes – he tweets me back. I take this as a sign the Twitter gods are happy with my work in the social ether.
October 2010: I win my first (and only) Twitter contest – a copy of Barney Stimson’s ‘The Playbook’ from How I Met Your Mother. Thank you @cbstweet!
October 2010: After 5 years at @OperativeInc I get an offer to work at another company. I check out my potential boss’s twitter. His bio reads ‘Professional Douchebag.’
I immediately accept the offer.
January 2011: Full on Foursquare addiction sets in. Anytime there is an extravaganza of some kind, I append ‘–pocalypse’ to the word to denote it as a legitimate venue in space & time.
February 2011: My mom begins to read my Twitter as a means to ‘keep up.’ She references that she ‘OH’d’ something in a real conversation. #proud
February 2011: I still log in to MySpace once a week, just to see what’s up yo.
follow me over @kcavery to get involved.
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