Ok team, a couple of thoughts on the latest news coverage on Britney Spears…
#1 – If someone gets a haircut, it is not worthy of international news coverage EVER. If the media is short on stories, we at Office Tan have a few ideas. We try to think only happy thoughts here but we would like to remind the news outlets of a story that begins with “Dar” and ends with “Fur”. It is a lot more important than Britney’s beauty parlor accident.
#2 – The haircut actually looks kind of hot except that she’s got those alien ears. I don’t mind alien ears but Owfice Burn can’t stand them and won’t stop talking about them. Since I have the misfortune of being Owfice Burn’s best friend, I have had to endure endless commentary on why these ears are not as hot as other ears.
Would anyone mind taking a shift as a sounding board for Owfice Burn’s deep thoughts on attractive ear shapes?
Over and out,
Office Knight
i mean the thing is they just look so gross..the way they stick out. it's not just that. i mean..the're also so bulbous. and red. they're really red. they're probably infected or something. probably smell bad too. did you know that she had lice. that's why she shaved her head. she probably had lice in her ears too.
The lice were eating her extensions. That's why she shaved her head. It's all starting to make sense now. Shoot, I had extensions once. Good thing, I didn't stick my head in a lice nest or wherever they live and get my extensions chewed off. That would've been what we call "not hot".
Did you ever have lice or extensions?
yeah..that's why i got so scared when your extensions fell out in my car. it was the lice thing i was worried about.
Nobody's hair fell off in your CAR! You're embarassing me in front of the whole blog!
Whatever--it wasn't my fault that you were rocketing down 2nd Avenue so fast that my damn hair came unglued.
Maybe you should slow the hell down.
How come nobody has commented on how the side of her head has pot holes! I'm not being mean, it just looks really like some bad terrain.
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