Look- I wasn't born 6 weeks ago. I'm gonna officially ask the question that many of us are currently pondering: WHAT THE EFF IS UP WITH FARMVILLE? I have to believe that I'm missing some details because I can not accept that tons of "grown-ups" are this consumed with harvesting fake crops. So I'm gonna just be blunt: what the flock is going on?! Is there money at stake? Is it an elite sex ring? I know that adults don't really bother this much with tasks that don't either increase their net worth or get them laid. Don't agree? Let's use a benign example like knitting. Knitting is sorta "in" amongst young white folk. Why? Because it makes one seem more dynamic and/or even nostalgic (like who the eff actually needs to knit anymore?). So why would one want to strike others as dynamic or nostalgic? Because it could ultimately lead to more banging. Ur probably thinking that's a shallow and outlandish conclusion. It is conceivable that people knit just because they find it entertaining and relaxing. Well, you know what else is entertaining and relaxing? Watching the 500+ channels of cable TV you have at your fingertips! BUT...everyone knows that's perceived as oafish to spend your whole life watching TV...it's not a good "story." I knit and spelunk is a much sexier story. So my charge is: Farmville is some kind of pimp-gambling scandal and we're all missing out on some sort of hedonistic virtual society masquerading as a dweeby game.
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