office knight and i have embraced a new life attitude... it is called "the circus life." we are done with boring-ness/ boring people/ the ho-hum. the new motto is, "embrace the circus or step out of the ring." gone are the days of stifling our ourageousness, refraining from breaking out in a moon walk, tap dance, comedy routine, strip tease etc. we are a circus act. we will jump through firey hoops, tame lions, balance on tightropes and wear shiney red jackets and tall top hats (actually office knight would freakin' rock the hell outta that outfit). the rest of the world is free to jump in with their own act or enjoy the show from the stands. what is no longer permitted is the following: individuals standing in the ring, arms folded, lips pursed, silent, and sneering. you are ordered out of the ring, and hereby placed on notice of such forbidden behavior!! office knight and i have found that embracing the circus life is really working out for us. it attracts the right kind of people, circus people: our people. it simultaneously weeds out the corpses, pulseless, lifless...(gooodbye says the bitchy butterfly.)
this weekend, 'the circus life mentality' proved to be particularly fruitful. office knight, aka 'the dancing bear' accompanied me as my wingman to an event where we were assessing the dating potential of an 'object of interest', who hapened to be hosting the gathering. the circus act kicked off with our opening routine where i revealed the misfortunate hair styles (and i hesitate to use the word style here) of office knight's adolescence (hello you perfect mullet). anyway, the circus routine was a raging success, and incorporated some of the most risky acts in our repertoire (involving pillbox hats, pirates, and judy garland). furthermore, despite knowing abosolutely NO ONE at this function, the show could not have been more successful. the 'object of interest' was not only a captive audience, but also jumped right in with her own circus routine. this one is seriously a keeper! i will be sure to let you know how this maybe circus romance unfolds. in the meantime, jump in and test out your routine, or sit back and enjoy the show! coming to a city near you....
-Office Burn
Speaking of Judy Garland and not Rufus Wainwright, there is an exciting and popular new group on Yahoo called The Judy Garland Experience. The group features ultra rare audio files, rarely seen photo's, lively discussions and more! This week in the audio section we are featuring a rare 50's concert presentation where the entire Rat Pack joined Judy onstage for their usual hijinx, Judy's complete 1967 concert on The Boston Common, several other garland audio odds and ends, and if that isn't enough we are also featuring excerpts from a rare 1973 concert performance by Mae West, yes, I said Mae West (you will jusy have to visit the group to find out why).
We have members from all levels of Judy fandom, hardcore, newbie's, Garland family members, people who knew and worked with Judy, authors, historians, film makers, other celebrities, and more. The only thing missing is you! Please stop by our little Judyville and check it out, you may never want to leave!
ummm, are you kidding me??
Alright, "Dan B", that was sneaky. You take your Judy Garland advertisements elsewhere. What the hell.
What the hell was THAT? Judy Garland and Circus Life are totally incompatible.
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