It sounds like this man was being a bit lazy, huh? You don't drop tourists, band-aids and canned goods off at the same time somewhere! EVERYONE knows this! Click blog title for full article from Yahoo! News.
Here's what he has to say for himself :
(from the Royal [Retarded] Caribbean Company Site):
The ships going back to Labadee, including Navigator of the Seas today, are obviously making a very valuable contribution to the relief effort by offloading supplies at Labadee. The media understand this and generally have written and spoken about the relief effort in positive terms. But in the last 24 hours, sparked by an article in the Guardian in the UK, a different and more critical view has emerged that questions how our guests can justify having a good time in Labadee when there is such misery less than 100 miles away.
I see...some English journalist has blown this way out of proportion. Otherwise "cruising" and DOCKING through a devastated region normally would totally fly under the radar. Thank you insensitive man that is Lord of cheesy floating vacations for putting this into perspective.
Not only does that man have impeccable judgment but he also has a beautiful hairdo.
(PS - I love that leaving a comment involves deciphering a code word below so that I don't spam your site. In case you're curious, the code word is "phrood". Sounds kind of important, right? Kind of like, "You can't have any of my phrood because it's my dinner."
-The Checkin Daws Whistle Blower
I have to have captcha to prevent people from trying to promote their crap on our insanely high traffic blog. It happened once you know...someone actually left a link for tanning salons...fool, huh? And yes, that man has lovely hair and a lovely dome piece too.
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