Despite how important and wise we may think we are, people are kinda simple. Fortunately many handy systems have been put in place to minimize confusion and avoid personal injury or death to humans. Humans get confused easily even when it involves basic tasks. For instance, virtually all electronics come with a friendly reminder outlining for us the perils of bathing with them...in the event that someone missed the memo that electronics don't enjoy water. But if that pamphlet wasn't enclosed would you assume that you had the thumbs up to start blow drying your hair in the shower? Probably not. Similarly, all the labels of cleaning products continue to read that it's not a wise (or delicious) idea to consume them. If such instructions were omitted, would you, in the face of a Coke shortage, make a Jack and Pinesol? No, I think not. I think I've made my point...though guidelines and warnings are important and appreciated, in their absence we're supposed to be able to use our best judgment...right? Nope. Case and Point: it seems that all over NYC there has been a malfunction with the Walk/Don't Walk signs-you know, the ones that show a red hand for don't walk and a white walking guy for walk. Anyway, apparently the hand and the man are appearing at the same time...sending a mixed signal to pedestrians...TRICKY, TRICKY! Now...if the traffic lights were malfunctioning too this would, in fact, be a sticky situation...but they're in working order sooooo why have people been getting hit by cars!? Obviously that's not funny...but really?! Were there no other cues as to whether or not it was a good time to walk or not? What's even more interesting is this is occurring mainly on NYC's Upper West and East Sides... Do I smell a conspiracy to smoosh yuppies in their natural habitat? No pilates class or dog grooming appointment is important enough to not look both ways!!
1 comment:
SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE FINALLY NOTICED THIS and read too much in to it like I did.
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