Let's take that off-line: SHUT UP!
Low hanging fruit: easy crap
Re-structuring: your ass is getting fired
Sensitivity training: we know everyone never really grows up and the subject matter of a particular facet of our business will be a generous source of dirty jokes so we have to attempt to remind our workforce to pretend to be mature.
Team building: seeing your colleagues in their gross sneakers
Taking it to the next level: doing the same nonsense that you did before and hyping it up to sound really important
Face Time: when someone checks their email, manages their personal finance, bids on some stuff on ebay, prices trips they're not taking any time soon, googles a new flame and IM's with all their foolish friends doing the same thing at either absurdly early or late hours to look really devoted and serious
Same Net-Net: a response delivered when your idea or comment contributed nothing
Associate (TITLE): You've just been given extra work for which you are not being paid
Now we're cookin' with gas: A really, really, REALLY LAME way of saying good job
Opportunities for Development: areas that you suck at