There has been so much news around air travel lately, even here at Officetan. A lot of the controversy has surrounded poor customer service, like people sitting on the runway for eight hours. Also it seems that whenever there is a forecast of even one snowflake falling, the airlines cancel all their flights. However, I'm not gonna take umbrage with that because I would much rather sit on the runway for hundreds of hours rather than go plummeting to my death because some ambitious pilot thought he could hack unfavorable flying conditions. By the way, I know the pilots don't make these decisions but I don't know the name of the airline personnel that does so whatever.
Anyway, now for the real news. Whenever I feel that my life isn't furnishing good blog material I go to a reliable news source that never ceases to provide fodder for my rant fire...Yahoo Odd News. Regular news is for the birds. We've touched on this several times. For example, why did I need to see a clip of a 100 year-old woman getting clocked like 300 times? It's upsetting enough as it is. Think about it: if you kept bringing up something really horrendous that happened at work over and over and over again you'd probably earn yourself some kind of stern verbal warning like the following:
"Hey Stan, I think that's just about enough, we need to get past this, you're really bringing down the 'team's' morale" (Stan is such an office-y name). Soooo.... why is this tolerated at the news' office?
Moving right along, here's what I found on Odd News that I thought needed a quick officetan review:
Paul Trinder, 54, said cabin crew moved the body of the elderly woman from the economy section where she had died after take-off, the Mirror and Sun tabloids said.
"The corpse was strapped into the seat but because of turbulence it kept slipping down on to the floor," Trinder, a businessman, was quoted as saying. "It was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."
The woman's daughter was also upgraded and spent the rest of the nine-hour flight from Delhi to London grieving next to her dead mother, the Sun reported.
"The corpse was strapped into the seat but because of turbulence it kept slipping down on to the floor," Trinder, a businessman, was quoted as saying. "It was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."
The woman's daughter was also upgraded and spent the rest of the nine-hour flight from Delhi to London grieving next to her dead mother, the Sun reported.
My Important Commentary: What the hell? There is like 10 million things wrong with this situation. First of all, doesn't someone dying merit an emergency landing? And who's brilliant idea was it to "upgrade" this passenger to first class? Not to mention that the use of the word upgrade in this context is entirely inappropriate. I guess, for now, the next time you're offered an upgrade to first class, you might want to think twice since they seem to only offer free upgrades to people that are either really, really pissed off or dead. Oh, but the seats are a lot bigger.
1 comment:
Please let the record reflect, the computer guy at our office is called Stan.
Thank you.
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