take a close look, spot the confused person:
Office Tan: noun
1: a pasty and unattractive color imparted to the skin by lengthy exposure to crappy office lighting
2: a blog that documents the endlessly glamorous and exciting life of the office worker
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Our Path to Adulthood: A Series
First off, on behalf of the Office Clan, I would like to issue my deepest apologies for the lack of new content last week, but it totally wasn't our fault. Blogger was like peer pressuring us to create some google account and it was confusing everyone, so we just didn't post. Also, Office Knight and I, as well as our sister, Office Doll are going away this week to try to abolish our office tans so we will be really busy packing and preparing for our journey. In the meantime, the latest initiative in the Office Clan household is to try to be more "adult." This includes telling people the truth and not making excuses for stuff that's none of anyone's business. For example, if you don't show up to a function, business or social, that you were "supposed" to be at you don't make up some big song and dance about how you got locked out, twisted your ankle climbing in the window and then lost your shoe in the air shaft, rather you just say, "Hey, sorry about the other night, I wasn't able to make it." It's all in the delivery, but really no one ever questions it. Another step to our adulthood is to try to de-junktify our digs. Our first task is to take down all the visual chaos covering our refrigerator. Now these items would not be proudly displayed like it was our first born's precious finger paintings if we didn't cherish them deeply so we're going to archive them right here. Our first piece. Making fun of national leadership...
take a close look, spot the confused person:
take a close look, spot the confused person:
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we'll miss you officetan! you validated our deepest thoughts
We're not goin anywhere. We're just busy becoming really fancy adults.
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