Office Raider and I are dilligently packing for our move this weekend. In the mean time, we have posted a few of our luxury posessions on Craigslist for sale. Big surprise, the weirdos have rolled out of the woodwork to bid for them. Ed showed up and made us microwave some water to insure that our Microwave was functional. Good thinking, Ed. It's an old trick to sell a broken microwave. Our next buyer, Mary, is on the lookout for furniture after a hasty move from her last apartment. Apparently, she opted to leave her last abode when her roommate cocked a sawed-off shotgun outside her bedroom. Sounds like he was a jerk.
Stay tuned for more moving adventures.
yeah, see - i think i'd move under those circumstances, too.
so, dude? i need to talk to you about that clock radio you sold me...
LOL. PS - I had a million books that I just gave away to Housing Works but in the back of my mind, I was thinking about your Amazon.com business.
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