Hi I'm office raider. I don't have an office, I raid other people's offices all day long hoping they'll have a use for the wares that I peddle. I am often not welcome either. Many people tell me they wish they could have a job like mine where there is no office. I'd like to remind you about some of the reasons why you should never take office life for granted: My office has wheels, this has many benefits but also many liabilities. I doubt you ever sit in your cube worrying that you might kill someone with your cube if you're not careful. Have you ever been charged $65.00 if you're not back at your cube after an hour?? Probably not. Imagine you wanted to use the restroom, you'd walk down the hall, maybe a flight of stairs, at worst you might need to use a sketchy key and then take care of biz. Everytime an office raider needs to go to the bathroom they have to pack up their entire "cube,"if you will, find a place to put it and buy a fckn' cup of coffee that they don't even want, AGAIN!
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