As I sit here in the Office Home with Office Raider, we are pondering some really difficult questions. Do you know the answers to these?
1. Why is the bible printed on that cheapo tracing paper?
2. Why are universities so damn friendly after you graduate? Would it not behoove them to be a little sweeter while you were actually there?
3. How come people from the early 1900's and Madonna have that weird pseudo British accent?
4. What was with the Pilgrims and those stupid buckle shoes?
6. How did George Washington get so much action with that awful hairdo?
6. How come sprinkles always seem like a great idea but in real life they don't taste like anything?
7. Why does Gristedes grocery store appear to be operating from a business plan that emphasizes disgusting-ness?
8. Why are children's fairy tales so scary? Office Raider is still training to push her kidnapper in the oven like Gretel had to do.
If you are able to correctly answer any of these questions, you will win a really incredible prize. Actually, that's not true.
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