i was "working" from home today. aka..lounging around and sleeping well into the late morning, while responding to e-mails periodically throughout the day to appear busy.
i come to realize that i am the f'in nosiest neighbor ever. while “working” (translation: reading the inside of my eye lids) i hear a commotion outside. i live across from an elementry school park. i peer out my window to discover a large group of unruly ten year olds beating the crap out of one kid. my first reaction was to charge outside and bust up the fight in a really dramatic and heroic fashion. office knight has taught me about seizing such moments for heroic displays. then i thought...nahhh and i decided to do the nosy neighbor thing and rat the kids out to the cops. so i call 911 and report a fight on the playground. 5 seconds after i called the kids were back to playing tag or whatever lame-o games kids play. now the park is crawling with police officers. oops!
looking out at those kids made me recall how much i f'in hated recess when it was frigidly cold out, never mind having to deal with getting the shit kicked out of you. my friend jen recalled a popular winter recess game…it was called 'stay warm' and involved kids huddling around each other on the playground trying to stay warm and rotating so eveyone got to experience the warmth of the center spot. This went on for about an hour, until the adults agreed to let us back in the damn building. this got me thinking that office raider is totally onto something... childhood blew.
1 comment:
I love it! I'll create some porn for you...be on the look out!
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