This week was really kind of uneventful except for watching a client go from totally sober to completely shi% faced in about a martini and half. This would have been fine if we were in the meatpacking district or something but we were in a restaurant frequented only by the wealthy, 75+ group in one of NYC's least trendy neighborhoods. As I looked around the restaurant, while keeping one eye on my tipsy table companion, I noticed some really ridiculous outfits that I could tell were these people's idea of "really fancy." There are a few articles of clothing that I'd like to review. For starters, what is up with the excessive use of hot-pad, fresh-off the sheep wool for making blazers? What ever happened to garbadine or other finer "spun" wool varieties? Do retailers specializing in geriatric fashion not offer their patrons any other kind of blazer? And must it be dyed fire-engine red with gold buttons that don't end until they're practically in the poor woman's mouth? I also noticed by the coat check some elderly males making a big song and dance about where their hat was being placed in the coat closet. I've seen this before. Is the expensive hat that cannot, under any circumstances, be stuffed into a sleeve the "I Have Arrived" article for the old dude? Maybe it's kinda like the obscenely priced watch for the young wall street-er after their first big bonus. Speaking of over-dressing for mundane activities, now-a-days if you see someone dressed up on the plane you know that person is expecting some nookie on the other end.
1 comment:
okay..this made me spit my tom yum goong soup all over my compter screen and keyboard.
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