First Confessions of 2007: I always hated Henry Warnimont...Punky Brewster's legal guardian. Also, there was an episode where Punky and Cherrie were playing hide-and-go-seek and Cherrie hid in a refrigerator and passed out. This made me really afraid of unplugged refrigerators.
First Catastrophe of 2007: Office Knight had a lapse in maturity and took my battery-powered, mini whisk (with which I use to make Cappucinos) and stuck it in my beautiful mane. This formed a small, but tightly coiled knot in my hair. This took several minutes to resolve.
This is the funniest thing ever. I am dying here in the OC.
Dude, Office Knight, did I ever tell you the story about a certain someone that I sort of (oops) dated in college who in a moment of weakness admitted to me that as a child his parents got a battery operated hand mixer for xmas and in order to test it out he put it in his mouth??!! and it chopped off the tip of his tounge (how the hell do you spell that dammed word)?? And he had to go to the ER... and the best part is that later it came out that he was actually 13 when he did it!!! WHATEVER!!! I so broke up with him shortly after that story came out (b/c it made me permanently sick).
Oh mannn, I would've been so sick. That's definitely grounds for dumping someone. Is that you Space Maverick?
I don't know who Space Maverick is but I really really want it to be me. Here's a hint -- there's a slight possibility that I may have had a male stripper in fun Navy dress whites ride me around like a wheel barrel. So can I have the name Space Maverick or what? I need to post a great story about the time I was in a fancy and serious meeting and the CEO whipped out a marker to make some impromptu fancy graphs on the white board only it wasn't a whiteboard it was a $10,000 screen built into the wall for the overhead fancy projector. He drew all over it in red marker and I almost peed my pants. He never copped to knowing that he f-ed up, but how could he not know??? Classic.
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