I know everyone was anxiously awaiting the conclusion to my riveting tale about the controversial myspace friend request from my teen cousin and I actually have authentic content from both Office Knight (who is still asleep as far as the blog is concerned) and the teen cousin. In efforts to not bruise the highly malleable teen ego Office Knight (whose myspace profile is suitable for adolescent viewing) came to the rescue and sent this note below to try to smooth things over.
HEY! So glad we're friends! So get this--I don't think you should add Office Doll and Office Raider as friends because some of their friends write them messages that I don't think your parents and your friends' parents would think are appropriate.
What is your updated email address? Office Raider and Office Doll want to send you email.
Cousin Office Knight
Teen Cousin's Response
Me too.....i was thinking about going through all my email addresses to see if people i know have a myspace. I already requested them but if they write anything inappropriate i could just delete the message or something. (Teen cousin provides her email)
DOES ANYONE REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS?? This means that teen cousin thought that Office Doll and I were going to leave HER inappropriate messages! Yes this makes a lot of sense: We cannot approve your friend request because if we do we will be unable to help ourselves from sending you lewd messages. Teen cousin's mother (our Aunt) has never really been a huge fan of any of us and I would venture to say that Teen Cousin's mother has been briefed on this exchange. It is almost certain at this point that we are never going to get invited to their house, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, because in teen cousin's mind her Office cousins have what appears to be no impulse control. Classic.
Peace out,
Office Raider
Precious. This is the very reason that 14 year-olds should not have access to the Myspace. Or 26 year-olds should not have access to the Myspace. Or something.
Sad-but-true story:
I had a college-age cousin delete me from her friends because she was concerned I would report the details of her increasingly "inappropriate" Myspace page back to her father, the Southern Baptist preacher. We always knew I teetered precarously on the edge of extreme lameness-- and we have now confirmed I am approximately a senior citizen if a nineteen year old is concerned about my delicate sensibilities.
Well, first, we must determnine if the adults in Office Raider's Cousin's life (ie, parents) are sophisticated enough to actually use MySpace and find her profile. Me thinks this is highly unlikely. The abliity to navigate MySpace is decreases disproportionately as the user of the MySpace ages. Therefore, La Gringa (at the ancient age of 44), can barely even type the words "MySpace."
So, Office Raider, you must join Owfice Burn and Office Knight at my party in December! Then we can discuss in more depth the hazards of MySpace to the youth of today. ;-)
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