Saturday, November 18, 2006

Weekend Edition: Ann Taylor Slut

Does everyone know what an "Ann Taylor Slut" is? Ok. If you don't, this is an important term to know if you live in the suburbs, the Upper East Side or go out to bars near Grand Central. An Ann Taylor slut is girl who goes out in essentially what most would call business casual. Usually the pants are khakis with a high rise, in some extreme cases they cover the navel. The top is often a twin set shell without it's cardigan twin. The shoes are definitely flat or have a small stacked heal, never stilletos and most likely not even a kitten heel. The slut part comes in after the tucked and ironed lass has had a few drinks. The more sophisticated Ann Taylor sluts will have a dirty martini or a cosmopolitan. But then there are those that are still trying to impress their business casual frat boy friends and order something like a Stella. After three or more drinks the pale (or shall we say, "office tanned") body starts to dance up a storm, wildly tossing her not so properly coiffed dry puff of hair. This is when it gets good. Office knight has witnessed a few late night moments involving Ann Taylor Sluts including someone's lovely loafers hanging out the window of a cab; another time one was overheard saying "Who turned on the AC?" referring to the cold air of the night. The Ann Taylor slut represents the soft spoken girl who works way too many hours hence the disproportionate amount of work clothes to "going out" clothes who sits quietly at her cube all day. I suggest going out with her because she'll party like a rock star and I'm guessing it's not to hard to get into them chinos.

1 comment:

clindsay said...

Oh, I'm guessing it's not hard to get them OUT of chinos, if you know what I mean.

This sounds like a job for La Gringa. I must help these poor intoxicated women!!!