owfice burn walked into a neighborhood bodega late the other night on her way back from the bar. owfice burn somehow miraculously recalled that she was running low on toilet paper and did the responsible adult thing by replenishing. she was handsomely rewarded by the good lord. she encountered an irate customer who standing up for his consumer rights (must have read office knights many customer complaint blogs). apparently he was sold an expired condom from the chinese immigrant shopkeep who's english was pretty much limited to "no refund fo you." owfice burn was first clutching her toilet paper, fearing that someone was going to get shot over this little dispute. then...the customer whips out his cell phone threatening, "if you don't facking give me my muny back i am facking cawling the cops!!" "no refund for you"
true story..though i did not stick around for the arrival of law enforcement.
1 comment:
OMG, I nearly peed myself laughing at this. I have often found myself at the local bodega at 1:00 AM, clutching my one scant roll of Scott tissue, standing behind a drunk who is counting out pennies for his lotto tickets. Oy!
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