Guest Blogger Owfice Hero Contributed the Following Inspirational Owfice Story:
I just became the Owfice Hero. CEO's iPod was dead. Mind you this is the DELUXE U2 iPod that holds 3500 songs and has all of U2's signatures laser etched into the back of it...the fancy one that is black with a red dial. It had been charging all night and wouldn't even turn on.
Good thing Owfice Hero knew that every so often you have to reboot your iPod. When CEO was in crisis, I quickly googled "reboot iPod" -
CEO: "Maybe I need to get a new iPod? How many songs does a nano have? Do you have a nano?"
Office Hero (thanking God that she got one for Christmas): "I have the big one and it holds 1,000 songs - but that's plenty for me"
CEO: "That's all?!?!? This one holds 3500 songs its 4 gigs"
Office Hero: "Wow!! I've found it pretty ok with just 1,000 songs, I only use about 700."
After holding down the combination of buttons...Voila!!! DELUXE SUPER BESTEST iPod in the world turns on.
CEO then proclaims (and practically jumps in the air): "YES!! Look at that, you're the best!! Thank you so much!!" and proceeds to bend over my shoulder and KISS OFFICE HERO ON THE CHEEK.
Whoa?!?! Office Hero thinks that's slightly stepping over the line and feels a little bit violated. Office Hero never really expected to feel the CEO's stubble on it's skin....AWKWARD...YUCK..GROSS. Office Hero's do NOT need kisses for being heros.
After a rave review from everyone in the surrounding area and praise from my fellow Office-mates for being the Office Hero - the following occurs
Office Hero: (and yes, Office Hero said this) "so does that constitute for a raise?!"
CEO: No, but I will definitely buy you lunch. You got my iPod working, not me working!
Office Hero will take the free lunch nonetheless.
Lesson of the day from Office Hero: learn how to reboot an iPod. Just hold down the Menu and Select buttons simultaneously.
1 comment:
You should fix more of his stuff. That way the affection will escalate and you can sue.
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