The meanest person in the world from ebay was so mean that her slanderous correspondence with Office Knight bothered Office Raider despite the fact that Office Raider had nothing to do with it. It was clear that the meanest person in the world had the patience and personality of a person who had been at the DMV for 7 hours so Office Raider thought to test that by sending her a message on ebay regarding one of her other items, another antique (aka old and crappy) watch. Office Raider wrote (trying to sound like a big, not so funny idiot)
Hi. I was curious where you find this watch. it looks so much like my grandmother's ! It would be nice to have in family again. Where did you get it? Hope ya didn't dig up her old bones...just a joke. anyway...would you consider lowering the opening price?
She replied
I got it at a private sale and no I will not lower the price
Office raider could tell by the curt response that she was annoyed and hoped that she would reconsider her measly, dusty watch selling career on ebay
The Meanest Person in the World had no idea what she had stumbled upon when she wronged the likes of the Office Tan Clan!
Okay, I want to send her an email now too!!!
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