I love the idea that the office operates like a disfunctional family. it really does. i don't care how fancy and corporate you think your firm is. you still have annoying office siblings and there is ALWAYS a cranky but loving office mom. my office mom is cawled Lois. it's her job to bring "cheese an crackas" for everyone on tuesday morning's and "downuts and bagels" on thurdays. she sends out "remindah" e-mails scoldin' people for leaving dirty dishes in the sink "'cause it's disgustin'!!" or threatening, "claim what yuas in the fridge, 'cuz it's awl gettin' towsed out on friday!" She gets fed up when the owfice children act up, ask huh too many questions or leave their toys (aka staplers, binders, paper clips) strewn about the owfice.
--Owfice Burn
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