I've been thinking a lot about Gargamel again, the cranky guy from the smurfs. It occurred to me recently that maybe he wasn't a bad man. Maybe he was just depressed and didn't have health insurance to get the medicine that he needed. If that was the case, shouldn't we all feel bad for being so damn judgmental of Gargamel for all of these years.
Look at what some bitchy person wrote about him on Wikipedia?
"Gargamel is an evil wizard whose main goal is to destroy the smurfs. His back is perpetually stooped, his robe is worn and patched, and his teeth are rotten."
The stooped back, the rotten teeth, yeah he definitely didn't have health insurance. And was it necessary to make fun of his clothes? The smurfs didn't look so attractive either in their clothes but you never hear about that.
Anyway, take a moment today to think about Gargamel and then ask yourself if maybe you've been a little unfair.
Gargamel, wherever you are, we're sorry.
-Office Knight
i second the motion. in fact i was recently falsely accused of engineering a wicked and vengeful depraved heart showdown in a bocce pit... something of the nature gargamel might have conjured up. but ya know what, it was all just a big misunderstanding. maybe gargamel was just misunderstood??
and maybe he was actually kind of hot--but no one could tell because his clothes weren't so good.
I am more skeeved out by the fact that there was only one female Smurf and all those boy Smurfs. Where did all the baby Smurfs come from, I ask you???
jenna, your clever sleuthing was the catalyst. for this i am eternally grateful...
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