It has been brought to our attention at Officetan that many readers are having trouble remembering the difference between Office Raider and Office Knight...some even think we're the same person. I will review the similarities as well as the difference and we apologize for any confusion this has caused.
Some things Office Raider and Office Knight have in common:
- Same Parents
- Same Residence
- Same Siblings
- Same love for sleep
- Same Marine Corps training
- Same property insurance
- Same struggles with clutter
- Same hair dresser
- Same weakness for really expensive jeans
Here are some KEY differences:
- Office Knight works in finance and has an office
- Office Raider (me) works in "healthcare" and does NOT have an office...hence raiding others
- Office Knight was born in the 70's
- Office Raider was born in the 80's. How come everything 80's sounds embarrassing?
- Office Knight cooks delicious balanced meals whose aromas make our neighbors jealous
- Office Raider lives off of yogurt, eggs, and oatmeal...but can cook if necessary
- Office Knight can hold her own in a discussion about world politics
- Office Raider is a little behind on world politics
- Office Knight uses friendster as her primary online social network
- Office Raider uses myspace as her primary online social network...and promotes this blog heavily on her profile
Alright, you get the idea. As for Owfice Burn...she has never had any trouble separating herself from the pack with that beautiful accent that she writes in...sorry Anthony.
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