Office Tan: noun
1: a pasty and unattractive color imparted to the skin by lengthy exposure to crappy office lighting
2: a blog that documents the endlessly glamorous and exciting life of the office worker
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Verizon- Inside Edition
Yesterday something happened. Something awful happened TO ME. I was held hostage for roughly 45 minutes by Verizon. The situation was so asinine that I kept my cool the entire time because a large part of me was fairly convinced that it must be one of those "boiling point" game shows and that at any point I was going to be rewarded a petty amount of cash for my patience. This was not the case. It was, indeed, just truly incompetent folks delivering the world's worst customer an inclimate room...with no chairs. What was I doing there? Simply relinquishing my Fios equipment, a service I highly rated until I tried to get rid of it. I will not bore you with the details of why this took so long but it involved only ONE unfit employee in a large store front, some nerdy guys with a confusing technical problem, an old guy with a hearing problem, a rotund woman with a money problem, some foreigners with an attitude problem and a hipster with a hair problem. Not a big deal...I was eventually released and left the others to perish. Bottom line is it is clear to me that Verizon, through my years of dealing with them across their various business units, prides themselves on employing morons and operating at an astounding level of inefficiency. This is obviously a less traditional business model but appears to be working for them. Bravo.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A MOCKUMENTARY: Sister & The Bugs
Thursday, September 23, 2010

If you don't you know. I am a huge makeup, beauty junky...if I'm gonna talk nonsense and trash I figure I should try to look good doing it! Soooo if you're looking for a chuckle and the best mascara around this is where you should turn!!
Click Here for PerfectFaceNYC
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Can I get away with a "Best of??"

Because I've been posting vapid thoughts lately I'm, frankly, concerned that my supportive friends, family and newcomers (aka those who stumble upon the blog bc they're googling Abe Lincoln images and tanning) are gonna take one peek at this site and fall asleep... soooo I'm going to put links below to some of my favorite blogs on this site...Many are written by me and some also written by my wise sister OfficeKnight (who basically invtented Officetan):
Struggles with Literature
Controversial Confessions
There are NO Books in Johnny's Room
Poking Fun at Institutions
Nice Vision
The REAL Deal on Real Estate
Valiantly Challenging Convention
BREAKING NEWS: Being Prude is Extremely Important
Donatella Versace is in BIG Trouble
That's Quite a Dream There, Joe
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Peculiar Events
There have been some recent things going on in my life that I NEVER thought would ever take place...let's review...
- I'm moving into a converted church (Everyone's outbursts of laughter confirms the absurdity of this circumstance).
- I'm involved in Fantasy Football and spending a great deal of time on it bc I'm obviously really confused by the whole process...that's it for now. I'll keep you posted on how it's going
- It's finally happening...lay-offs are looming at the Office Raiders of America Inc... (sniff sniff...maybe I can clean the "church" grounds for an extra buck?) I realize this isn't that weird I was just enjoying believing I was sheltered from the sh!t storm that has been underway for the rest of the world for almost 3 years now
- It turns out the new "church" lair was also once a brothel...this is less odd than my living in a place of worship actually but still not exactly fitting
- There's Bud Light in my fridge
- I've sprouted several gray hairs
- More often than not, I prefer Sauvignon Blanc over's only a matter of time 'till I get my cougar belt
- I'm writing incredibly stupid blogs ONLY about myself like it's my damn journal...
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I've Been Busy...'s been brought to my attention by a digital media master mind (hint: that I am struggling with my online brand identity. This is due to the hefty (albeit self imposed) constraints that are placed upon me by the folks that own my soul in the corporate world. If someone would sponsor MY foundation for MY better life I would be able to share tons of interesting factoids about myself and my escapades as an incredibly enthralling human (teaser alert...should I put a link to my paypal account?). One thing that Kcavery has informed me of that has made me feel extremely nervous is that the interface upon which this very blog resides is the blogosphere equivalent to myspace... aka my blog is not fancy and advance and needs to be migrated "on up" a la the Jeffersons. So stay tuned to as Officetan maybe having a yard sale and packing it in as it searches for new, hipper digs because it's now immensely embarrassed. Similarly, its author finds herself in the same predicament as she hunts for a new nest not in the Hudson River.
In the meantime, I'd like to share with my devoted readership what I've been spending a lot of my time thinking about -peacocking- and not because I am the off-spring of a zoo luminary or because my proverbial biological clock is ticking (that's so 80's).
Urban dictionary: Peacocking means dressing for attention. Just like Peacock's use their feathers to get a mate.
I'd like to point out that their definition is quite limited because pretty much by default being a dame is basically a 24 hour peacocking existence. Let's review:
-Large poofs of hair: styled and dyed in a number of different ways on any given day- peacocking
-Impractical footwear: Walking on needles can only serve one purpose- peacocking
-Inappropriate hemlines: We can see your be@ver. Peacocking
- Makeup: are those dead spiders on your eyelids or you just trying to impress me?? Peacocking
- Questionable underoos: Thongs- a purposeful and attractive wedgie to prevent the dreaded VPL (visible panty lines); Push Up Bras- let's strap a pull out couch to our chests to lure men folk and exacerbate our scoliosis. PEA-EFFIN- COCKING
- Nail "Flair:" This can vary but some believe that having holiday themed decals or especially long, neon colored nails are a nice idea. Need I say more?
...As a result, it is no longer sufficient for us lady folk to just exist in our bizarre costume-like attire and weaves to lure in prospective suitors so I've been brainstorming other peacocking methods and will post about those in the near future.
(Disclaimer: This post is laden with stereotypes. Don't get, like, pissed)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Digital ABE

Thanks to youtube and google, dare I state the obvious, we all have a tundra of information literally at our fingertips. Just when I was feeling bad for myself for only reading the Twilight books I realized that I have other redeeming qualities when it comes to my depth: I have become a modern day Abraham Lincoln (sorta, let me have my moment). So what if I don't sit in a musty library with smelly books? I thought I would reflect on all the things that I've taught myself with a few well-configured key word searches:
- How to poach an egg
- How to apply false eyelashes
- How to replicate McDonald's "special sauce"
- How to use a blackberry without a trackball
- How to fix hyper pigmentation (dark spots on ur face) with baking soda
- How to do my makeup
- How to do my hair
- Everything there is to know about HD TV's (ask me anything you want to know about HDMI cables etc)
- Where and how to get a custom made corset
- How to breakdown "read only" files
- Everything there is to know about PDF's and OCR (optical character recognition)
- The best back up solution for my computer
- Can I still eat this: Food that I defrosted and refroze? Food that has been sitting there for a few days and is making me feel nervous but throwing it out makes me feel like a bad person
- The health benefits of pine nut oil and where to buy
- Calories in just about everything (I have still not had a Margarita to date)
- How to get gum off my patent leather shoes
- Is he married?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Facebook: Status Updates that I advise against

The following are status updates I encourage you to stay away from on Facebook because they're dumb. I have a very mainstream mind so I know.
"At the gym/running/yoga etc:" Unless you're in sick shape do not post this on a regular basis because it will make people wonder why you're always at the gym/exercising so much but don't seem to be very fit and that's unfortunate.
"Sick:" Shut up. Now we all feel like we have to reply with "feel better." How sick are you? Clearly not sick enough to be face down in your bed because you're on facebook annoying everyone.
"Cleaning/laundry etc:" I have my own damn chores. I don't want to think about yours.
"Soooo stressed:" Wtf are we supposed to do with this? Are we supposed to ask what's wrong and then listen to an awful story about your job laden with industry jargon and proprietary terms we don't understand? Are we supposed to commiserate about the economy? Facebook is not your therapist.
"Sleep:" Get a clue. This is not an "update." What's next real-time "blink" updates?
Now some general rules...
Send cryptic, loaded messages to an ex/love interest via your status update. We all know what you're doing and it looks pathetic.
Reference anything to do with your bodily functions (or malfunctions). Seriously, do you ever want to get laid again?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Study Results: Don't Spank
Thursday, March 25, 2010
FARMVILLE: An Investigation

Look- I wasn't born 6 weeks ago. I'm gonna officially ask the question that many of us are currently pondering: WHAT THE EFF IS UP WITH FARMVILLE? I have to believe that I'm missing some details because I can not accept that tons of "grown-ups" are this consumed with harvesting fake crops. So I'm gonna just be blunt: what the flock is going on?! Is there money at stake? Is it an elite sex ring? I know that adults don't really bother this much with tasks that don't either increase their net worth or get them laid. Don't agree? Let's use a benign example like knitting. Knitting is sorta "in" amongst young white folk. Why? Because it makes one seem more dynamic and/or even nostalgic (like who the eff actually needs to knit anymore?). So why would one want to strike others as dynamic or nostalgic? Because it could ultimately lead to more banging. Ur probably thinking that's a shallow and outlandish conclusion. It is conceivable that people knit just because they find it entertaining and relaxing. Well, you know what else is entertaining and relaxing? Watching the 500+ channels of cable TV you have at your fingertips! BUT...everyone knows that's perceived as oafish to spend your whole life watching's not a good "story." I knit and spelunk is a much sexier story. So my charge is: Farmville is some kind of pimp-gambling scandal and we're all missing out on some sort of hedonistic virtual society masquerading as a dweeby game.
Monday, March 22, 2010

Officetan is not the place for's a place where a very few people gather to read my musings on a random selection of topics and if I didn't worry that my professional reputation would be compromised I'd talk a helluva lot more shiz than I already do... I do have a question though...and it truly isn't rhetorical:
How come many of the people that are upset that the government is going to require Americans to purchase health insurance (if not available through their employers) are the same people that want the government to rule that gay folk shouldn't be allowed to marry (aka bore themselves to death like the rest of us)? If the concern is Govt getting too big...don't cha think these two issues have conflicting ideologies in terms of the government's role? Plus let's consider some things (for fun really, not saying I'm for being mandated to do anything) that government already makes us do for our own "well being:"
Seat belts (besides New Hampshire, obvi): Hello!? Rumple a good outfit much? Plus anyone knows that if you sit bi*ch it's nearly impossible to find your seat belt without groping your seat neighbor. If we want to fly threw a windshield, let that be OUR choice. Thankyouverymuch.
Jay-Walking: This law raises several conflicts...especially for those in urban and rural areas. First, if you're in an urban area, you have to jay walk. It's just what people do...the pedestrian flow of traffic will always be too dense and/or too slow for a large subset of humans (especially near the Port Authority or Grand Central...people like to rush to return to Jersey or Conneticut). In rural areas the problem is quite different...there may not be a clear line of demarcation between the road and the sidewalk, there may be no sidewalk at all, or the sidewalk may be filled with wandering bovines...really at any given time a rural dwelling human may need to take it to the street for one reason or another.
Public Intoxication: You're not supposed to drive your car but you're not supposed to traipse around drunk either? Well how the eff are you supposed to get home from the damn party?!
Prostitution (Except for Nevada- not including Clark County though which is where Vegas is ya know): This is kind of a nosy law too. Hooking is apparently a fairly efficient way for "unskilled" individuals to make money and it is in incredibly high demand. Sometimes people (mostly males) need a snuggle and don't have time for dinner and it or not. Because love and banging aren't supposed to be mutually exclusive we're all supposed act really horrified about the prospect of paying for nook. Not to mention that this service conflicts with our "iron clad" family values. One could say maybe it's because of the potential health hazards...but there are health risks associated with getting manicures too...just sayin.
Marijuana: people seem to like it and it doesn't seem to make people shoot one another...wouldn't this be a nice way to generate some extra tax revenue? Perhaps the concern lies in the extreme that it makes some people useless but the reality is the world could use another hall monitor.
(Please understand this is for fun...I am not advocating that we not wear our seat belts, get hammered and high and find ourselves a hooker)
Thursday, March 11, 2010

I've had a severe lapse in creativity in the past few weeks so I thought I would share just some random thoughts/questions etc that pass through my mind...of course what I think is extremely crucial to you all.
The majority of people that are afraid to fly are also control freaks
Talking about bodily functions will NOT lead to greater intimacy in the beginning of a relationship
Why are nipples private on women?
Being white is apparently going out of style
Check for eye boogers regularly
Check for ear wax regularly
When someone falls don't make too big of a scene...their ego is most likely the only thing injured
Don't give annoying, unsolicited advice
Shamelessly self promote. Saying things "in passing" to sound cool is really embarrassing
Act confused when people get pissed at you. It's hard to stay pissed at a confused person
Brother Jimmy's waters down all their booze. I know this for sure
Don't touch girls to get their attention at a bar. It's creepy and annoying
If someone drinks too much, has a bad attitude, has icky teeth or comes across as homosexual it is acceptable if they're "European."
Don't ask girls to dance (Unless you're in 8th grade)
Everyone twitches in their sleep
Liking hot dogs is no longer frowned upon (I think)
Does anyone know the answer to this: If you can smell yourself can others smell you too?
If you blame spotty cell service for someone not replying to a text msg they're probably ignoring you
I wonder how many relationships have been ruined or strained due to spotty cell service?
If you match your clothes too well you look like a baby
Serenades are rarely welcomed or effective
Does anyone still buy Spam or olive loaf?
Monday, March 01, 2010
Childhood Myths: True or False

Friday, February 26, 2010
Office Lingo: DECODED

Let's take that off-line: SHUT UP!
Low hanging fruit: easy crap
Re-structuring: your ass is getting fired
Sensitivity training: we know everyone never really grows up and the subject matter of a particular facet of our business will be a generous source of dirty jokes so we have to attempt to remind our workforce to pretend to be mature.
Team building: seeing your colleagues in their gross sneakers
Taking it to the next level: doing the same nonsense that you did before and hyping it up to sound really important
Face Time: when someone checks their email, manages their personal finance, bids on some stuff on ebay, prices trips they're not taking any time soon, googles a new flame and IM's with all their foolish friends doing the same thing at either absurdly early or late hours to look really devoted and serious
Same Net-Net: a response delivered when your idea or comment contributed nothing
Associate (TITLE): You've just been given extra work for which you are not being paid
Now we're cookin' with gas: A really, really, REALLY LAME way of saying good job
Opportunities for Development: areas that you suck at
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cool Things to Watch for When it Rains

- People running that really SHOULD NOT run
- Men sharing umbrellas while trying to look as straight as possible in the process
- Poofy Hair
- Flat Hair
- Excessive amounts of squinting
- Excessive amounts of grimacing
- Unexplained absences from social functions (some people aren't water proof)
- Seasonal Affective Disorder flair ups
- Creative footwear
- Fat guys with Golf umbrellas
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Traits Common amongst Annoying People

These are not hard and fast rules but I have observed that several of these traits seem to co-exist in an annoying person. If you identify with some of these you might be a little annoying. Sorry.
- Fantasizing about the number of attendees at your funeral if you were to suddenly die
- Getting pissed way too easily (i.e. shouting at airline personnel because a flight is delayed. This is a dumb and annoying thing to do and will not change the outcome.)
- Asking for praise before anyone has had a chance to give it to you
- Having hair that looks perpetually wet
- Asking large amounts of rhetorical questions ("How can you eat that!?)
- Breathing loudly
- Sneezing loudly
- Driving recklessly in efforts to look cool/impress a chick
- Being OCD about organic foods. If you're open to oral sex, you can stomach a pesticide here and there.
- Telling people they look tired
- Walking funny (this excludes those with disabilities of course)
- Having too many stories that seem to almost bring you to tears that you're willing to share with just about anyone.
- Nose breath
- Buying into conspiracy, always ("the govt has a cure for cancer")
- Touching the bellies of pregnant women whom you barely know
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Awesome Quotes-Updated

I have had a lapse in creativity as of late. Fortunately over the years the people around me have said some really ridiculous things. Here's a few things various people in my life have said:
I love drawing dicks
Darn these plastic things
Who's gonna be the next hot mess I'm gonna date?
Assholes ruin lives
I can't picture myself making love to another woman
For as long as I have a face you will have a place to sit
Why's the peanut butter on the floor?
C'mon Dan, we've got birds in the car
Don't ask me! I date homeless people
You'll be too bored to cry
Last time I went on a free trip I got raped in a laundry room
They [boobs] must have grown steadily each day we've been apart
That girl gives good blowdryers
No vogue-ing and driving
Is butter a carb?
That girl is 10 minutes away from being fat
That's impossible...I know every adult gorilla in this country
There's 6 billion people on this planet...can't you go spend some time with them!?
I love Miss Piggy...she's just so glamorous!
Fine! I'll sleep downstairs and get robbed!
It was the only time I ever laughed and jerked off at the same time
[At the DMV] This ain't no modeling agency!
[looking at a pigeon] Oh look a chicken...quack quack!
I've never had sex with a fat person...have I?
He smelled like a sneeze
I'm so cold I'm gonna light myself on fire
Holy sh*t! There's not even a fat one to ruin it!
Who has dusty holes?
I wish he would jump into a garbage can and light it on fire
I'm the king of caulk!
Y'all are real regular
I'm hung like a field mouse
Oh grooming is really important...if you have lice, you're in big trouble
Monday, February 01, 2010
Candy (Thanks ladies for the inspiration!)

Valentines Day is upon us so let us get in the spirit! I'm looking forward to the candy hearts...if I was in charge they would be inscribed with a variety of phrases that convey every kind of emotion and gesture...especially sentiments that maybe aren't so easy to share. Let the candy do the talking!
Here are some ideas (don't steal them, Candy Makers!)
Google me
Confuse me
Roofie me
Scare me
Stalk me
Alienate me
Ignore me
Defriend me
Befriend me
Choke me
Spoon me
Leer at me
Ping me
Bbm me
Mms me
Sms me
Gps me
Tickle me
BS me
Tag me
UNtag me
Disappoint me
Bore me
Disgust me
Irk me
Squish me
Sext me
Poke me
Write on my wall
Kick me
Feed me
Sniff my hair
Deck me
Humiliate me
Forget me
Skype me
Turn the lights off
Turn the lights on
Massage me
Carry me
Drug me
Noogie me
Wax me
Intrigue me
Fax me (that's for the older folk)
Stop singing
Relinquish the remote
Don't touch
Have a personality
Find a gym
Get lost
Nice comb-over
Buy a vowel
Buy a clue
Off yourself
Up your Prozac
Listerine EVERYDAY!
Move on
And of course...
Effin' hug me!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, January 31, 2010
On the behalf of my dog, am I supposed to be aroused or hungry?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
(A Really smart comment made regarding the suspension of US sales for several Toyota models including Camry due to STICKING GAS PEDALS that could make cars accelerate without warning)
Toyota has said it was unaware of any accidents or injuries due to the pedal problems associated with the recall, but could not rule them out for sure.
Riiiiiight...because spontaneous, uncontrollable acceleration is seldom associated with accidents. Glad they weren't too hasty in ruling that possibility out. How conservative and thoughtful.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why I couldn't date a Vampire
I, like many other teenage girls, women and sensitive males, have fallen into a deep Twilight trance (aka "twance") and am basing the premise of this post on what I learned about vampires from Twilight. If you haven't read and/or seen Twilight do NOT abort reading this vital is full of life-altering content.
1) Vampires don't sleep: the bull about coffins or hanging upside down is a total myth. I sleep A LOT. What would my vampire boyfriend do while I was sleeping? Mmmmm...
2) Vampires can't be in the sun: Vampires can't go in the sun because they'll sparkle like a tranny's eyeshadow. Pretty...yes. Conspicuous...totally. I enjoy the sun tremendously so either I vacay without my vampire boyfriend or manage through explaining why my boyfriend twinkles.
3) Vampires don't eat "regular" food: The vampires in Twilight were on a "restricted" diet of just animals (as opposed to people). The main (and totally dreamy, yes, dreamy) Vampire, Edward, compared eating people food to eating dirt...he can do it but it's not pleasant. I would think having my Vampire Boyfriend just stare at me eat or leave me alone at a bistro to go snack on a squirel would eventually get old as food is a major part of the courtship for humans.
4) Vampires can't really hook-up: One of the great challenges for Vampires intermingling with humans is that it's like being a starving fat kid in a bakery...they're apparrently constantly fighting off the temptation to gobble you up. Therefore you can't fool around too much with your Vampire boyfriend or he will get too excited and eat, literally.
5) Vampires live forever: This aspect is associated with several issues-
- Sordid Pasts: how are you supposed to live up to like 200 years worth of girlfriends? He has seen IT ALL for sure... I can't spend my time stressing about whether or not my Vampire Boyfriend is still hung up on some Victorian woman.
- Doesn't Age: Vampires remain the same age that they were when they were "turned" [into a Vampire]. Since it is safe to assume from what we've seen in Twilight, Vampire Diaries and even the Lost Boys...all Vampires seem to be "turned" during their smokin' hot prime. I can't spend my time worrying about the skank with the hover board and flying car he's gonna date when I'm beyond the help of botox and lipo.
- Immortal Speed/Strength: If I were to make an exception and date a Vampire for a bit confidentiality is really crucial. You can't, like, tell people you're dating a Vampire (for a variety of reasons including looking insane). If my Vampire boyfriend strapped me to his back and shot us up a tree or lifted a car off me, I'm just being honest, there is NO way I would be able to keep that to myself.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Quote of the Day
Saturday, January 23, 2010
An Award Winning Performance: The Goonies
I think we all know this was one of the most compelling moments in cinematic history. Let us not forget Chunk's brave performance. Enjoy.
Courtesy of (click Blog title for other inspiring quotes from the Goonies including important thoughts from Data)
[the Fratellis are interrogating Chunk]
Francis Fratelli: Tell us everything! Everything!
Chunk: Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Earth Shattering News: John Edwards admits he fathered child with mistress
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I LOL'd so I thought I'd share:
- Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.
- In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors."
- Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO."
- If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.
- Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.
- Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."
- Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think."
- Practice making fax and modem noises.
- Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss.
- Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.
- Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
- Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears and grimacing.
- Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.
- Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
- Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
- Staple pages in the middle of the page.
- Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.
- Honk and wave to strangers.
- Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints at the cash register.
- type only in lowercase.
- dont use any punctuation either
- Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
- Repeat the following conversation a dozen times.
"Never mind, it's gone now." - As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
- Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce "No, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.
- Ask people what gender they are.
- While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
- Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
- Sing along at the opera.
- Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
- Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."
Nice "Vision"

There are some things in this world that I am pretty certain of...beets taste like dirt, there are 7 continents, sneezing too loud is annoying, whales are mammals and excessive use of metaphors when communicating a vision for a business plan sounds ridiculous. I get it- when rolling out something new, calling your "troops" to action you want to be inspiring but, really?! How many damn gold rings am I gonna reach for!? How many mountains am I gonna climb? And must we keep marvelling at the extra degree [of effort] needed to make water boil? I don't think the degree is extra, actually, it's just the temperature at which water boils. It like has to be there. It's not extra and no one is cooking. Today I had to think about "cogs" all day! I can't just be made clear on the key components for success? There just seems to be a lot of time wasted on "dressing" up language to say, "We have a lot crap to do. You need to understand X, Y, Z to do it. It must be accomplished in X time frame and don't get all discouraged or confused when annoying problems crop up along the way." Done. Meeting adjourned. Then teach us the stuff we need to know to do it and don't make us do weird activities to learn it...we were asked to toss yarn today. Yes, yarn. A puppet made an appearance too. I appreciate the effort to keep things "fun" but if my employer thinks that those are the kind of gimmicks needed to engage their workforce I'm kinda offended. I am a serious, important person who does serious, important things on and off the job. I can never be addressed by a puppet again or I will...I will...probably do absolutely nothing about it but still it's just really unnecessary.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Stop Embarrassing Jesus!
The report, which came out in November, found that the Catholic Church in Ireland covered up "widespread" child abuse from 1975 to 2004.
Umm...that's not very christian. This seems to be a bit of a pattern...I will tread lightly as this involves two things that make people uncomfortable: kids and religion but...The people responsible are pervy hypocrites. What were they thinking?! This kind of offense completely defeats the purpose of their committing themselves to he just wouldn't notice? That's apparrently the thing about God...he like knows everything. I'm sure he thought they were THE WORST employees ever! I don't think this kind of behavior goes overlooked because you eat boring food, live in crappy housing, wear humble clothing and weird shoes and pray all day. I bet when they felt all guilty they would soothe themselves by repeating in their heads, "Jesus loves me yes I know" and I bet Jesus wanted to chime in so bad and be like, "NO I DON'T!"
Perhaps some attention should be paid to resolve this issue for awhile. It's probably best that worrying about atheists, the use of birth control and missionary (recruiting) activities take a back seat for a bit.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dumb Person of the Day: Royal Caribbean Cruise CEO Adam Goldstein

(from the Royal [Retarded] Caribbean Company Site):
The ships going back to Labadee, including Navigator of the Seas today, are obviously making a very valuable contribution to the relief effort by offloading supplies at Labadee. The media understand this and generally have written and spoken about the relief effort in positive terms. But in the last 24 hours, sparked by an article in the Guardian in the UK, a different and more critical view has emerged that questions how our guests can justify having a good time in Labadee when there is such misery less than 100 miles away.
I see...some English journalist has blown this way out of proportion. Otherwise "cruising" and DOCKING through a devastated region normally would totally fly under the radar. Thank you insensitive man that is Lord of cheesy floating vacations for putting this into perspective.
Things Got Tricky

Despite how important and wise we may think we are, people are kinda simple. Fortunately many handy systems have been put in place to minimize confusion and avoid personal injury or death to humans. Humans get confused easily even when it involves basic tasks. For instance, virtually all electronics come with a friendly reminder outlining for us the perils of bathing with the event that someone missed the memo that electronics don't enjoy water. But if that pamphlet wasn't enclosed would you assume that you had the thumbs up to start blow drying your hair in the shower? Probably not. Similarly, all the labels of cleaning products continue to read that it's not a wise (or delicious) idea to consume them. If such instructions were omitted, would you, in the face of a Coke shortage, make a Jack and Pinesol? No, I think not. I think I've made my point...though guidelines and warnings are important and appreciated, in their absence we're supposed to be able to use our best judgment...right? Nope. Case and Point: it seems that all over NYC there has been a malfunction with the Walk/Don't Walk signs-you know, the ones that show a red hand for don't walk and a white walking guy for walk. Anyway, apparently the hand and the man are appearing at the same time...sending a mixed signal to pedestrians...TRICKY, TRICKY! Now...if the traffic lights were malfunctioning too this would, in fact, be a sticky situation...but they're in working order sooooo why have people been getting hit by cars!? Obviously that's not funny...but really?! Were there no other cues as to whether or not it was a good time to walk or not? What's even more interesting is this is occurring mainly on NYC's Upper West and East Sides... Do I smell a conspiracy to smoosh yuppies in their natural habitat? No pilates class or dog grooming appointment is important enough to not look both ways!!
Monday, January 18, 2010

I think there is only one "person" whose tweets are truly important. FYI: Tweet means post/update in Twitter language...we'll maturely ignore how closely it resembles a slang for female "private parts." Anyway, the only person who really SHOULD use Twitter, frankly, is the cable guy. It’s 2010 and we have yet to come up with a better system than marinate in your house and someone should be by anytime between 10 and maybe. It goes like this...
Person seeking Cable:"Can I make an appointment for Saturday?"
Cable Phone Representative with crappy personality: "No."
Ok...clear doesn't look so awesome to employers…missing work in the name of Sports Center. Now...let's imagine a super helpful cable guy tweet- " Attn: 41 Moron Street...finishing my last install...gonna grab a ruben. Be there in 45 min." This would totally have much more utility than the real-time updates the weird girl from high school posts on how she administers insulin to her fat cat Harold. Just sayin.